DF64V Variable Speed Grinder
Regular price
$1,000.00 SGD
$799.00 SGD
COWPRESSO is the Official Authorised Distributor for DF64 in Singapore.
For Singapore order - Pickup instore so that we can run through the machine with you properly and avoid user damage.
Variable speed single dose DF64V. Grind from 600-1,800 RPM.
Comes in Black, Silver and Grey Colour.
Silver limited instock
Grey limited instock
Black limited instock
Fitted with:
- DLC 64MM Stainless Steel burrs or upgraded burrs
- Rubber Bellow
- Wooden Lid
- Wooden Base
- Metal Cup
- Metal declumper flap instead of plastic piece.
- It does not come with any spray bottle - the brochure may be an old one if it indicates otherwise.
The DF64V grinder is suitable for any coffee enthusiast, be it home or professional who brews different coffee brewing methods. It is a full-range grinder, meaning, it can grind espresso, filter, and coarse grind. The new DF64V incorporates a built-in grind size indicator feature for grind size adjustment, eliminating the need for an external grind size indicator ring.
Finished with a rubber bellow and wooden lid top. This allows you to push air into the burrs and out of the grounds chute, ensuring minimal retention of coffee grounds. While the burrs that come with the DF64V grinder are quite good, you can update the burrs to other 64mm burrs, including SSPs (High uniformity, Multipurpose, Sweet Lab) if you want to level up your coffee game with different flavour attributes.
If you'll like to read a longer write up on the grinder, click here
Technical Information:
- Model: DF64V
- Package Size: L40 x W32 x H18 cm
- Package weight: 5.0KG
- Item Size: L20 x W10 x H33 cm
- Item Weight: 3.9KG
More information to be updated.